Introduction: Automate Your Operations to Work Smarter, Not Harder
This course focuses on how to create systems within your business by taking the tasks you’re already doing and turning them into a process. By the end of this course, you’ll have a better idea of what your operations look like, and where they could use automation to save you time and money.
Each module will have the following attached documents:
- Video presentation with voice over and subtitle option
- Written and audio transcript of presentation
- Sample business videos applying the lessons from each module
- Three versions of activity worksheets for you to choose from (PDF, Word Doc, Google Form)
Feel free to print our PDF version of the activity worksheets to fill out and keep for your records. The second version is a Word Document that you can fill out on the document itself. The third version is a Google Form, which you can fill out online and receive a virtual copy of your answers via email.
In the last part of this course, you will find the "Sample Business Videos" section. This contains short Doodly animations of our sample businesses demonstrating their processes of automating their business.